AutoGOJA Guidelines Oriented Job Analysis > Perform a Defensible Job Analysis
How to Perform a Defensible Job Analysis
Because a job analysis is an important step in the personnel selection process that ultimately will determine which people will be selected for hire or promotion, it is imperative that the job analysis process is done in a defensible manner using HR best practices and keeping in mind the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures and other relevant standards and laws. At we are able to provide a few different ways in which an employer may perform a job analysis using tools that have been tested over time and have been shown to produce defensible results.
The GOJA program and the AutoGOJA software is more than a job analysis method. It is a methodology for developing content valid employment selection tools including job analyses, selection plans, job-specific supplemental application forms, assessments of promotability, structured interviews, and job-related performance appraisals to address the requirements of the Uniform Guidelines and other relevant standards.
Many of the technical requirements of the Uniform Guidelines are addressed just by using the GOJA Program. GOJA provides the format to be used for the linking process called for by the Uniform Guidelines with content validity, and, through its design, addresses the technical requirements of Sections 14C(1)-(4), (6)-(9) of the Uniform Guidelines.
Work products developed with the GOJA Program have been challenged in court and the employer has won in each of the following cases:
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Calderon v. Imperial County (a consent decree that specifically exempts the County from initiating a stringent selective certification procedure for all classifications that have been validated under the “GOJA” program). |
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Forsberg v. Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone [840 F2d 1409, CA-9 1988] for maintenance administrators and test desk technicians. |
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Gilbert v. East Bay Municipal Utility District [DC CA, 19 EPD 9061, 1979] for customer accounting service supervisor. |
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Martinez v. City of Salinas [DC CA, No. C-78-2608 SW (S.J.)] for firefighter. |
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Parks v. City of Long Beach [DC CA, No. 84-1611 DWW (Px)] for fire engineer and captain. |
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Sanchez v. City of Santa Ana [DC CA, No. CV-79-1818 KN] for sergeant. |
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Simmons v. City of Kansas City [DC KS, No. 88-2603-0] for detective, sergeant, and lieutenant. |
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United States v. City of Torrance [DC CA, No. 93-4142-MRP (RMCx)] for firefighter. |
GOJA has been discussed in several articles and textbooks used in universities throughout the United States:
· Buford, J. A. (1991) Personnel Management and Human Resources in Local Government. Center for Governmental Services, Auburn University.
· Gatewood, R. S. & Field, H. S. (1986). Human Resource Selection. Drydan Press.
· Buford, J. A. (1985). Recruiting and Selection: Concepts and Techniques for Local Government. Alabama Cooperative Extension Service, Auburn University.
· Schuler, R. S. Personnel and Human Resource Management. West Publishing Company.
· Bemis, S. E., Belenky, A. H., & Soder, D. A. Job Analysis: An Effective Management Tool. Bureau of National Affairs: Washington D.C.
· Campbell, T. (July, 1982). Entry-Level Exam Examined in Court. The Western Fire Journal.
· Sturn, R. D. (September, 1979). Mass Validation: The Key to Effectively Analyzing an Employer's Job Classifications. Public Personnel Management.
AutoGOJA Job Analysis Software is a hosted software solution that automates many steps necessary to complete a traditional job analysis.
The GOJA Manual is a manual (paper and pencil) solution that leads that leads an HR practician through the steps necessary to complete a traditional job analysis. Organizations opting to perform a manual job analysis may download our free Guidelines Oriented Job Analysis form. This 99-page job analysis booklet is free to download, print and use (without modification) for any number of job analyses.
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